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Cornerstone is a set of JavaScript libraries that can be used to build web-based medical imaging applications. It provides a framework to build radiology applications such as the OHIF Viewer.

This library, @cornerstonejs/streaming-image-volume-loader, provides a volume loader which allows for individual image slices (e.g. part of an MRI or CT acquisition) to be streamed in to fill an entire volumetric array. During this slice-by-slice streaming, the user can continue to interact with the volume.

You can find the Cornerstone documentation on the website.




helpers: { getDynamicVolumeInfo: (imageIds: any) => { isDynamicVolume: boolean; splittingTag: string; timePoints: string[][] } } = ...

Type declaration

  • getDynamicVolumeInfo: (imageIds: any) => { isDynamicVolume: boolean; splittingTag: string; timePoints: string[][] }
      • (imageIds: any): { isDynamicVolume: boolean; splittingTag: string; timePoints: string[][] }
      • Get some info about 4D image sets. Time points (groups of imageIds) are returned when the imageIds represents a 4D volume.


        • imageIds: any

          Array of Cornerstone Image Object’s imageIds

        Returns { isDynamicVolume: boolean; splittingTag: string; timePoints: string[][] }

        4D series infos

        • isDynamicVolume: boolean
        • splittingTag: string
        • timePoints: string[][]