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  • cornerstoneStreamingImageVolumeLoader(volumeId: string, options: { imageIds: string[]; progressiveRendering?: boolean | IRetrieveConfiguration }): IVolumeLoader

  • It handles loading of a image by streaming in its imageIds. It will be the volume loader if the schema for the volumeID is cornerstoneStreamingImageVolume. This function returns a promise that resolves to the StreamingImageVolume instance.

    In order to use the cornerstoneStreamingImageVolumeLoader you should use createAndCacheVolume helper from the cornerstone-core volumeLoader module.


    • volumeId: string

      The ID of the volume

    • options: { imageIds: string[]; progressiveRendering?: boolean | IRetrieveConfiguration }

      options for loading, imageIds

    Returns IVolumeLoader

    a promise that resolves to a StreamingImageVolume